Exercise Myths!

Do you think ab exercises will make you loose belly fat?

That is just one of the myths I am going to bust today! To answer that question simply, is no. You can’t spot reduce fat. I know it sucks, but its just the truth. Although I would still do them once a week to strengthen you abdominal muscles which are underneath the layer of fat. Which is why someone who is very lean and doesn’t even workout can look like they have abs. That is because there body fat percentage is so low. A lot of it comes down to genetics which controls your body composition and shape. My brother for example is 350! Very big dude, BUT he doesn’t look like it because its mainly muscle. So even though you cant see his abs, they are very strong! If you compare a 350 pound male that never works out, doesn’t eat right and is mainly fat. It looks a lot different from a 350 pound male, that is mainly muscle. Ultimately abs are made in the kitchen.

Have you ladies ever thought if you lift weights you’ll look too bulky?

SO FALSE! (I understand if you did think that, its all good;) Women do not have as much testosterone as men do, so when you lift you can’t get that big. A lot of girls want to “look toned” so they think they just need to restrict calories and do cardio. The truth is to get “toned” you have to lift weights! Don’t be afraid of them! (Also don’t let guys intimidate you, go lift those weights and show the guys how its done;)

Do you have to work up a sweat when you are physically active for it to count?

Or have you ever woke up the next morning after a lift or exercise and you are not sore so you think you didn’t push yourself enough? (I have so thought this before and was a little bit discouraged.) If you have, don’t be, it is very normal for people who regularly exercise to not get super sore. I only do if I am changing my workout plan or haven’t lifted in a long time. Overall everyone is different and the main reason for sweat is to help cool you down. For example, you won’t sweat as much if you are exercising in 50 degree weather versus 80 of course. As long as you are moving everyday and pushing yourself than that is all the matters!

There are a lot of myths out there about exercise, and the last thing you need is misinformation to discourage you. So, the next time you are active, you will know for sure what you are doing is effective and worthwhile for your health. 

Exercise Equipment

“Exercise Equipment” by Brisbane City Council is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Work Cited:

8 common myths about exercise. (2014, November 26). Retrieved April 19, 2021, from http://www.secondscount.org/heart-condition-centers/info-detail-2/common-exercise-myths#.YH3DsGdKhPY

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